
Thank you visiting my blog! I'm a Sailor, Father, Blogger, Traveller and Runner who likes to run ultra marathons and adventures. I blog about the running I do and where it takes me, whether it's a small race or a big adventure run/ultra marathon. Running is my Savior and blogging allows me to share my experiences. 

I've always been a keen sportsman playing up until colt ages at Redruth RFC, surfing, golf and mainly Judo for almost 30 years where I became a 1st Dan as well as a Coach at club and County level. I was never a keen runner in the past, however that all changed in 2008 after I was entered by my brothers into a charity event. A 7 Mile Commando Challenge which practically killed me. I fell out of love for exercise from about 2003 apart Judo (although didn't really do exercise as such as I taught more than I trained) and became very very fat. At breaking the scales at over 18 stone it was then I decided I had to do something about it. I vowed to do the event again in 2009 but to run it all and not stop unless I really had to (queues for the obstacles). I started training for it 3 times a week and started to lose a little weight. The event came round and I did exactly what I trained to do. The same day I found out I had a place in the London Marathon in 2010. That was it, if I was going to run the London Marathon I would do it properly and so I did 6 times a week following a programme.

In April 2010 I crossed the finish line of the London Marathon despite having injuries and became a marathon runner. I have not looked back since! I've raised 1000's of pounds for various charities as well along the of my running journey but I have never got place for an event through a charity it has always been off my own back. Since then I have gone on to run ultra marathons and in August 2015 I became the first (documented) person to run from the New Forest to Land's End via the route I ran. In  Aug 2017 I attempted to run from North Wales to South Wales via Offa's Dyke path and Glyndwr's Way. Although I didn't manage to run it in it's entirety for a few reasons, I still ran from North Wales to South Wales starting in Prestatyn and finishing in Chepstow. In Aug 2019 I had my first Podium placing, I finished 2nd in a 36 hour Non Stop, 1.06 mile race that had very strict rules. To finish it was my goal the 2nd place was a complete unexpected surprise. 

I'm currently run streak and have run 5 years so far to date. I've made some good friends in the running community but have made some great friends through ultra running community. I am very lucky to be supported by Tailwind Nutrition UK, Uglow Sports and Kyloe in the Wild, to which I feel very privileged to have their support.

I will continue to tick the miles off as I go along and keep finishing as many events as I can.



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